lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Class Assignments Argumentative Essay

A successful leader should have many different skills like, proactive, clever, honest and ability to influence others and in my country Colombia there are many that have these skills. Lately my country has had a significant development thanks to the government in head of the president of the Republic called Alvaro Uribe Velez.

To make guerrilla disappear from Colombia has been one of the biggest task that the government has faced. But with the big effort of the president Uribe, guerrilla nowadays are becoming weaker and hopefully they would be completely removed from the battle field. Besides the economie has changed thanks to the job of the ministers that everyday are working in strategies that will leader the country into a positive change. The big strategies that president Uribe has begun is the free trade agreement with the United States that is an agreement that makes an easier exchange of products and services that will benefit the producers. The only condition is that they technificated the processes so they will be able to sell all they make to millions of people.

However some people that think that free trade agreement is bad for producers because there will be a huge entrance of products to the country at a very low price making Colombian people lose money because their products wont be sold.

To conclude, I think that president Uribe is one the best presidents that Colombia has ever had. Uribe is a good leader because he has brilliant and smart ideas; he is always thinking to make Colombia a better country. He is Recognized in the world for having people that fight guerrillas, narcotraficants and terrorism.

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