miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008



Nowadays, there are a lot of places where exist too much visual and auditory contamination that are affecting music and TV screens should be banned in public places environment like cafes, waiting rooms and shop.

First of all, the auditory contamination could damage the auditory system; some scientific investigations have been shown an increase on ear diseases shower post El Tiempo newspaper.

On the other hand some people may be said that they need distractions in this kind of places because may be they could be waiting for someone or just they need to be distracted while they are waiting medical appointment.

To conclude, I think that should there places that banned the music, because there are many people who do not like noise, but prefer to be quiet.

*Total English, Upper Intermediate, Richard Acklam, Logman

religious values in Albania

In Albania there are many different kind of religions like, Catholicism which is 55%, Buddhism 25% and also Christians 20% of population. Due to this diversity, I consider that the most important value is Respect, because without it people of Albania wouldn´t be able to live in peace. Even Though there are many religions, the bases are the same, everyone believes in their own God who created everything around them, or an extreme force that controls everything everywhere. Albania is a country that has diverse cultures religions and therefore different way of thinking, but this is not an impediment to Albanian be respected. Respect is a value that they consider very important in their behavior because for this reason there haven´t been any fights and they all live in peace.
People in Albania says that diversity of Religion is not important, because people think in different ways and they should always respect different points of view.
To conclude, I think that diversity of religions should be a mechanism to obtain the goals that a country needs to be successful.

martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Beliefs and values in Albania

Albania is a very religious country; there are people from many different religions like Catholicism, Buddhism, and also Christianity. Values can easily be related with different beliefs that people have in common day tasks. Even though there are many religions, the bases are the same, everyone believes there’s one God that created everything around them, or an extremely force that controls everything everywhere.

In every religions there are certain mandatory actions that they should perform through life so they will be able to obtain eternal happiness, such as, loving God above everyone else, honor parents, do not kill and do not steal, among others. These concepts are similar in different religions and in most cases they are also values that people should accomplished to be able to live in society, surrounded by other people. Respect is the principal value that should prevail in every society including Albania, so people could live together with other human beings and be capable of interacting without having any kind of problem. This situation is not only for respect, it also involves other values that are important for a country to succeed, such as, love, tolerance, honesty and responsibility.

Although, there are people that think that values and beliefs are different because they have no religion or think that there isn’t a force that created everything and controls the universe. They believe that they should act in a proper way so they won’t have any kind of problems, and if they act well they get good things back, but not related with values or religions. However this is an invalid way of thinking, because we can’t believe that we just appear in this world out of nothing, because all of us come from a god.

To conclude, I think that values and beliefs are directly related because they determine the way we should behave. That’s why I think that we all should respect beliefs of others, so we can live in society and in harmony.

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

Criminal in Albania

The world today is having constant changes because of the globalization. With the recent attacks from terrorism in countries like United States and Spain, the world have become one into the fight against terrorism, and the fight against the lost of values and good behavior of people that for some reason hate other countries or their governors. Albania is not the exception, they have had different terrorisms that have done bad things to the country but also have helped people to have stability by giving them houses to live in and food when they are hungry.

Albania through history has had different serial killers, guerrillas and terrorisms, but with the good labor of the governors they are becoming strong in security and moving slow they have been controlling them with strength. Last year we saw the case of a terrorist that trespassed frontiers, he did his job in different places like United States, Belgium and Albania. He was a drug dealer and he did a lot of damage to people by selling them drugs, he was selfish because he wanted to have a lot of money and he didn’t care about the families of the people he was destroying.

There are some people that think that he was generous and kind because he was also helping people with the money he get from the drug deals. He helped them obtaining houses and he used to give them some money they could use while they didn’t have jobs. However this is not a good outlet to help people, since in recent years died 10,000 people, for this reason men who do this do not have values.

To conclude, I think people with these kind of behavior should be in jail, because even if they help people, is more the damage they cause to others by making them consume drugs and the damage they cause to their families and people that surround them.


Video Leader in Albania. Bibliography: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmet_Zogu

Summaries of the articles, videos clips and audios

Vanuatu is an island that is trying to develop and making an evolution. Ham Lini was president of this beautiful island back in 2004 and he made a lot of effort trying to make it more beautiful and a better place to live in.
He made it a democratic country because he was thinking in everyone’s happiness. He loved culture and made it part of their life, making laws about it and getting everyone involved.
Vanuatu increased its economy because the president made good relationships with the surrounding countries.
Vanuatu is formed by 83 little islands and is located near Australia. Vanuatu proclaimed its independency back in 1980. It used to be a British French colony, but then people that lived in the country wanted their independency.
Its a little country with many different languages, but the official one is French and in some places they also have the English as its official language.
The main activities that they offer to tourist are ecological and extreme sports.
Dugong is a typical specie that lives in Vanuatu, according to the video, she says that it’s the only mammal that it’s only marine, and they look just like a manatee. They live for a very long time but they are in danger of extinction.
There are only five in captivity and other countries have laws that help them live without danger of being captured.
She says that through history there have been a lot of leaders that have changed the world. Valdis Zatlers is the president of Latvia, and he is making an effort to accomplish all the promises he made.
He wants to improve Latvia’s trading policies with surrounding countries, but before that they should work in their own industry so they will become more competitive.
Nowadays he is one of the most effective leaders because the country has developed in different topics and is already becoming an exporting nation.
According to what Olga says, Lucho Garzon is one of the most important leaders that Colombia has ever had.
He focused on the social development, by implementing programs with people of low income. The principal program was Bogota without indifference in which they created a lot of schools for poor people. The other program was Bogota without hunger, in which they created a lot of different restaurants to feed poor and hungry people.
Even though some people don’t like Lucho Garzon, he accomplished his goals and he did a lot for people that live in Bogota.
Values are qualities that represent human behaviors and are everywhere, and from them depends people happiness. There are several types of values, like religious, economics, intellectuals, sensitive and moral. But the most important is the moral.
People should be tolerant over other values, but never losing moral, because the lack of moral deteriorates quality of life.
People should grow their own values so they will be happy forever and will live in peace and harmony in society.
In that essay she wrote about the values of the criminals. First of all she gave a description of a criminal and she said the way they normally act. Then she described what is a value and she explained that moral values would take people to be succesful. And finally she explained why criminals act in that way, she said that´s because there was a lack of love while they were groing up.
The handling of values are the key to succes, that´s the main topic of that essay. Companies work in order to satisfy customers, and that will lead them to be number one in the market. Everything is based in strategies and good planing on the resources.
Cambodia is a country Located in Southwest of Asia. Their culture is the most important thing they have to show to the rest of the world. They respect each other and that´s why they are a peaceful country and she explained some customs they have in their country that shows why they live happy.
She started saying that now there is a lot of bad publicity to young people. She said that they should change this behavior because it influences young people in a bad way. She said that the country gets judged because of what they show on tv, but they don´t show the values and qualities, so people could get confused with the country and judge it in a bad way.

martes, 17 de junio de 2008

Indepent Work

Violence on T.V is among the most serious problems families and homes nowadays. Ours is no exception what can we do, then, to help make our T.V programs more pleasing to its audience?

First of all, it would be a good idea to encourage, people to see documental and cultural programs instead of violent films. The result would be people more intelligent and less violent.In addition, the situation would be improved if the national commission of T.V prohibits the transmission of violent. If this happened, the result would be to obtain more peace in the homes.

To sum up, there are many ways to make our T.V programs perfect programs to see. Adopting some of these measures would be definitely resulting in better conditions for everyone.



World Wide Values Argumentative Essay

Nowadays around the world there are many different values that show human behavior, because the values are the positive moral characteristics that everyone have, such as, humility, respect, tolerant and also friendship. The most important value that people should have could be respect, because through respect the world evolves.

The social environmental is what makes the different in traditional values. Values are a product of change and transformations through history. They emerge with a especial significated and changes or disappear through the course of life. It is important that values keep going through years. Values are the way the world will continue been a good place to live, because through the values and good practices or behavior of people there is going to be a peaceful universe.

Values are related to the interests and needs of people, but some of these people do not mind passing over others simply to make you understand their values, and do not care the values of others. Some people believe that values are not real, not valid in themselves, but there are people who give them a certain value, depending on the pleasure or displeasure they produce. From this perspective, values are subjective, dependent on the personal impression of human beings.

To conclude, values are deep convictions of human beings that determine their way of being and guide their conduct, besides the values involve feelings and emotions, moreover values are the most important essence of humanity.
*Values in European Thought, Fritz Joachim Von Rintelen, Navarra, Spain, 1972.

Albania´s Leader Argumentative Essay

A successful leader should have many different skills like, creative, hard worker, brilliant and ability to influence others and in Albania has had a leader that has these skills. Back in 1925 the country had a significant development thanks to the government in head of the president Ahmed Bey Zogu, that later on proclaimed himself king of Albania for a long period of time.

During the First World War he was an ally of Austria and after the war he became the leader of the popular reformed party. During this period he makes his country grow thanks to the good relationship with the countries around his own. People thanked him because he made a huge development in the cultural life and the economic growth. The economy changed thanks to the job of the ministers that everyday were working in strategies that will lead the country into a positive change. The big strategies that president Zogu begun was the agreement with Italy that was an agreement that made an easier exchange of products and services that benefit the Albanians

There were people that thought that the agreement was bad for Albanians because after some time the country started to became into a crisis because the Italian people thought that the country was weak an started to invade a Albania with the bad results that and invasion or a war could cause. There have been causes that shows that this kind of agreements work because they benefit civilian people making them obtain more money to support their families. But all of this should be done with responsibility because if you interpretate it in an bad way could become a very big problem to the country.

To conclude, I think that president Zogu was one of the best presidents that Albania has ever had. Zogu was a good leader because he had clever and smart ideas; he was always thinking to make Albania a better country.


lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Class Assignments Argumentative Essay

A successful leader should have many different skills like, proactive, clever, honest and ability to influence others and in my country Colombia there are many that have these skills. Lately my country has had a significant development thanks to the government in head of the president of the Republic called Alvaro Uribe Velez.

To make guerrilla disappear from Colombia has been one of the biggest task that the government has faced. But with the big effort of the president Uribe, guerrilla nowadays are becoming weaker and hopefully they would be completely removed from the battle field. Besides the economie has changed thanks to the job of the ministers that everyday are working in strategies that will leader the country into a positive change. The big strategies that president Uribe has begun is the free trade agreement with the United States that is an agreement that makes an easier exchange of products and services that will benefit the producers. The only condition is that they technificated the processes so they will be able to sell all they make to millions of people.

However some people that think that free trade agreement is bad for producers because there will be a huge entrance of products to the country at a very low price making Colombian people lose money because their products wont be sold.

To conclude, I think that president Uribe is one the best presidents that Colombia has ever had. Uribe is a good leader because he has brilliant and smart ideas; he is always thinking to make Colombia a better country. He is Recognized in the world for having people that fight guerrillas, narcotraficants and terrorism.

Indepent Work (Argumentative Essay)

Nowadays, technology is one of the most controversial and concerning topics for all people, specially for parents because it involves young people and it directly affects the familiar union. Looking into the statistics we clearly see that there’s a big difference between traditional families and the families of today. This difference is thanks to many causes, but the main cause is technology.

First of all, technology has a lot of advantages such as the facility in obtaining new information that used to be classified and only some people had access to it. Today we see that children of the world are more intelligent than they used to be, thanks to all the educational programs that are shown in television, and facilities on the internet. It is easier to find their homework. Children have more agility, thanks to video games and are cleverer because they do more activities that stimulate their brains and always make them to want to know more new things and be interested about new technologies that will make their lives easier.

Another advantage is that technology helps people saving time in their daily activities, such as paying bills, send different kind of files from work to work or referring to students, they could do homework and send it easier, in any location of the world. It connects people around the world, by different programs that are easy to install in any computer, you can talk to a relative and see them trough a camera or listen to them with a simple click.

The big disadvantage is that parents have no the same control of their children because they have access to anything they want inside of their rooms. They have no control in what their children are looking at, for example children can search inside of material that is not appropriate for their age, such as pornography material and stuff that will create a bad attitude and bad behavior in them. They have also lost the habit of reading that develops great values, intelligence and happiness.

To conclude, we can see that families are also lost, because they don’t have the same communication and they don’t spend a lot of time together, because they are occupied with a lot of technological things such as computers, video games consoles and television.

Video Ahmed Bey Zogu Leader in Albania


viernes, 13 de junio de 2008

Eagles, the representative animal of Albania, Bibliography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagle

Independent Work

Internet is one of the marvels of the world in communications. The aim of this essay is to explain the advantages and disadvantages of internet.Internet is a fast way communication media that is plenty of information. In spite of these characteristic is not all the information in the web is trustable, in addition, internet is dangerous for children.Fist of all, I am going to talk about two advantages of Internet, most important advantages of Internet is that it is extremely quick for instance, users can obtain many result of searches in seconds. Another advantage of internet is that it is plenty. Of information, in particular, if users use “google” they can not thousand of results.All things considered, in my point of view, internet offers as good as bad points. It is dangerous for children and information is not always trustable, but it is a fast communication media, and it is a useful tool.


Independent Work

This article it was published for worldpress.org, and talk about of the problem that affects Colombia and had some stories of people that were affected by the violence, a story of one family that lived around the town, one day they decided to go to the town, and when they were walking the father stepped on an anti-personal land mine, he went to the hospital, but he died the next day.Is amaizing that the land mines claim two or three victims every day in Colombia, and is sadder to know that those victims are innocents and poor people. Maybe other story is about one child that was trying to catch something for his family's lunch, when he stepped one land mine, his father took him in his arms and ran to nearby highway for help, and when they arrived to the hospital, the doctors said that was neccesary amputed his leg, but they had waited a prothesis that was promised by the state goverment. Well there are some stories, but all are similars, is terrible to know those innocent people died or needed prothesis because the terrorist put this explosives for affected to the country. And is more worried that the children died for this conflict and that needed prothesis to be fine and they can't live like normal people because in any place can are a mine. I think that this is very worrying problem, but nobody does anything because this situation isn't personal and maybe because never it hasn't happened to us. And sometimes, the state didn't help this family's, because using the money in other things, less important.

Independent Work

The past April fifth in Key biscayne - Florida were playing the final game of Sony Ericsson Open between Nicolay Davidenko and Rafael Nadal. Davydenko never won to Nadal in the past and this week before the final, Davydenko won to Andy Rodick and James Blake in the same tour. It´s the first time that Davydenko win to three of the top ten players. The final was very exiting, in the first set when Nadal played better, Davydenko won and the second set was only tramit. Davydenko finally won 6-4 and 6-2 and received US$750.000, was an amazing week for a Russian tennis player.



Independent Work

The website www.annecollins.com/obesity/risks-of-obesity.htm is important, because obesity is one of the most causes of dead, because directly affects the circulatory system so it makes a hearth failure. Beside it causes articulations problems because of the weight specially in the knees. It also causes diabetes issues because fat people normally consume great amounts of sugar.

Independent Work

Villa de Leyva

If you want to relax and have a great time, August it´s the perfect time because it´s the kite festival. In my last vacation I went to Villa de Leyva with my family, and we fly a kite, we also saw the kite competition, it was pretty interesting because there were different types of kites, different colors, sizes, structures. Besides Villa de Leyva is a town that has many different atractions such as churches, museums, lakes and stuff like that.It´s famous because of it´s colonial architectural, it also has a famous food like Fritanga, Morcilla and things like that. People of this region are called Boyacos, because Villa de Leyva is a very important city that belogs to the Department of Boyaca.People are outgoing and are very kind with people that visit their town, because it´s a turistic city that lives and succed thanks to the travelers.This year I´m planing to go with my boyfriend and we are going to eat junk food, fly a kite, we are going to camp and make a fire. This plan it´s very exiting so that´s why I recommend this place.

martes, 10 de junio de 2008



Republic of Albania is an amazing and harmonious country located in southeast of Europe, and its capital is Tirana which is also the most populated city, its official language is Albanian. The estimated population for 2008 is about 3.600.000 people. That is divided in different ethnics that come from origins because the country through history has been changing the conquerors, so there are different kind of people living under the same rules and the same values that the present government one to inculcate. From my point of view this is a fascinating and impressive country because you can learn about different cultures going to a single place, that is why I wonder who are really Albania? The aim of this question is to try to resolve which are the main values that characterize the Albanians, such as respect and love.

Albania is as hot as the sun in the middle of dawn which increases the wonderful flowers of their fields, and the people of albania is as loving as a mother when her son caresses. Albanians are very lovely and romantics people because they are only interested in yours fascinating families and also in yours bohemian art.

Albania is a country that has diverse cultures and therefore different way of thinking, but this is not an impediment to the Albanians who are respectful and loving people. Respect is a value that they admire and for this reason there have not been any kind of fights and they all live in peace.

As the government says diversity is not an exclusive phenomenon of mankind. All around the world there are different cultures and people think of different ways but human kind has the same principles and people should always respect different points of view. Diversity should be a mechanism to obtain the goals that a country needs to be successful.

Government in the head of Minister of Culture speaks about the great effort the Albania is doing to consolidate a cultural dialogue and to preserve the cultural diversity in the country, because gives people the hope that culture will always exist and it will give values to younger generations. This way respect will be interpretated by all citizens as something important to government because the history and artistic values will be preserved all across the country.

To conclude, I think Albania is a very wonderful country because of its diversity in cultural background. So I feel motivated to continue learning about this mystical and magical country that represents through its people its history by its art. I think that Albania is a very respectful country with the memory of past generations, commemorating them with new art based in art from the past.




House A: Tseta Dashi, Tseta Dashi´s mother, Tseta Dashi´s brother, Pizuchuma, Tseta Dashi´s sister, Pizuchuma´s two daughters, Tseta Dashi´s mother´s brother.
House B: Pizuchuma´s husband, Pizuchuma´s mother-in-law.
House C: Tseta Dash´s older brother´s children, Tseta Dashi´s older brother´s wife.
House D: Tseta Dashi´s father, Tseta Dashi´s father´s mother.
House E: Tseta Dashi´s wife, Tseta Dashi´s daugther


The best summary of the text is : This article is about the Mosuo, who live in southwest China, because in the beginig of this article the writer say In southwest China, the Mosuo people have found the secret of a happy family life: No one ever leaves their mother´s home. But your partner is only a walk away. On the other hand the author never mention that they married, however, the reader deduce that they did, but in the article it never happened, the best option is # 3


Reading Strategies
  • Prediction
  • Scanning
  • Skimming
  • Read the question first
  • Main Ideas
  • Look Key words
  • Connect the text to life experience, other text, or prior knowledge
  • Look the Pictures
  • Summarize
  • Analyze Logic
  • Grammatical Connection
  • Vocabulary
  • Mapping




Albania Video


This is a video that shows the history of both Albanias that we can check in the map.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2008


The objectives of this blog are:
  • To learn about Albania because people don´t know that this country exist.
  • To know the culture and customs of this country making easier the communication between the tourist with native people.
  • To provide information to people that are interested to travel and know exotic places about the documents that they need to have a pleasant trip.
  • Appreciate the biodiversity that this country has.
  • To learn and to know the main values that the native people have so you won´t hurt their feelings.
  • To know about the principal leader in Albania


This blog shows a great country known as Albania, and the visitors can find and learn about of this country, people never imagine that this country exist. This country has their own culture and customs, and through this blog I will show you the way they life.
On the other hand this blog also shows many values, because the values are different for each country, I want to show you this country and that you learn about it, for this reason this blog has different ways to make the learning process more interesting and easier the learn; such as, videos, articles, photos and music.