miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008



Nowadays, there are a lot of places where exist too much visual and auditory contamination that are affecting music and TV screens should be banned in public places environment like cafes, waiting rooms and shop.

First of all, the auditory contamination could damage the auditory system; some scientific investigations have been shown an increase on ear diseases shower post El Tiempo newspaper.

On the other hand some people may be said that they need distractions in this kind of places because may be they could be waiting for someone or just they need to be distracted while they are waiting medical appointment.

To conclude, I think that should there places that banned the music, because there are many people who do not like noise, but prefer to be quiet.

*Total English, Upper Intermediate, Richard Acklam, Logman

religious values in Albania

In Albania there are many different kind of religions like, Catholicism which is 55%, Buddhism 25% and also Christians 20% of population. Due to this diversity, I consider that the most important value is Respect, because without it people of Albania wouldn´t be able to live in peace. Even Though there are many religions, the bases are the same, everyone believes in their own God who created everything around them, or an extreme force that controls everything everywhere. Albania is a country that has diverse cultures religions and therefore different way of thinking, but this is not an impediment to Albanian be respected. Respect is a value that they consider very important in their behavior because for this reason there haven´t been any fights and they all live in peace.
People in Albania says that diversity of Religion is not important, because people think in different ways and they should always respect different points of view.
To conclude, I think that diversity of religions should be a mechanism to obtain the goals that a country needs to be successful.

martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Beliefs and values in Albania

Albania is a very religious country; there are people from many different religions like Catholicism, Buddhism, and also Christianity. Values can easily be related with different beliefs that people have in common day tasks. Even though there are many religions, the bases are the same, everyone believes there’s one God that created everything around them, or an extremely force that controls everything everywhere.

In every religions there are certain mandatory actions that they should perform through life so they will be able to obtain eternal happiness, such as, loving God above everyone else, honor parents, do not kill and do not steal, among others. These concepts are similar in different religions and in most cases they are also values that people should accomplished to be able to live in society, surrounded by other people. Respect is the principal value that should prevail in every society including Albania, so people could live together with other human beings and be capable of interacting without having any kind of problem. This situation is not only for respect, it also involves other values that are important for a country to succeed, such as, love, tolerance, honesty and responsibility.

Although, there are people that think that values and beliefs are different because they have no religion or think that there isn’t a force that created everything and controls the universe. They believe that they should act in a proper way so they won’t have any kind of problems, and if they act well they get good things back, but not related with values or religions. However this is an invalid way of thinking, because we can’t believe that we just appear in this world out of nothing, because all of us come from a god.

To conclude, I think that values and beliefs are directly related because they determine the way we should behave. That’s why I think that we all should respect beliefs of others, so we can live in society and in harmony.

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

Criminal in Albania

The world today is having constant changes because of the globalization. With the recent attacks from terrorism in countries like United States and Spain, the world have become one into the fight against terrorism, and the fight against the lost of values and good behavior of people that for some reason hate other countries or their governors. Albania is not the exception, they have had different terrorisms that have done bad things to the country but also have helped people to have stability by giving them houses to live in and food when they are hungry.

Albania through history has had different serial killers, guerrillas and terrorisms, but with the good labor of the governors they are becoming strong in security and moving slow they have been controlling them with strength. Last year we saw the case of a terrorist that trespassed frontiers, he did his job in different places like United States, Belgium and Albania. He was a drug dealer and he did a lot of damage to people by selling them drugs, he was selfish because he wanted to have a lot of money and he didn’t care about the families of the people he was destroying.

There are some people that think that he was generous and kind because he was also helping people with the money he get from the drug deals. He helped them obtaining houses and he used to give them some money they could use while they didn’t have jobs. However this is not a good outlet to help people, since in recent years died 10,000 people, for this reason men who do this do not have values.

To conclude, I think people with these kind of behavior should be in jail, because even if they help people, is more the damage they cause to others by making them consume drugs and the damage they cause to their families and people that surround them.


Video Leader in Albania. Bibliography: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmet_Zogu

Summaries of the articles, videos clips and audios

Vanuatu is an island that is trying to develop and making an evolution. Ham Lini was president of this beautiful island back in 2004 and he made a lot of effort trying to make it more beautiful and a better place to live in.
He made it a democratic country because he was thinking in everyone’s happiness. He loved culture and made it part of their life, making laws about it and getting everyone involved.
Vanuatu increased its economy because the president made good relationships with the surrounding countries.
Vanuatu is formed by 83 little islands and is located near Australia. Vanuatu proclaimed its independency back in 1980. It used to be a British French colony, but then people that lived in the country wanted their independency.
Its a little country with many different languages, but the official one is French and in some places they also have the English as its official language.
The main activities that they offer to tourist are ecological and extreme sports.
Dugong is a typical specie that lives in Vanuatu, according to the video, she says that it’s the only mammal that it’s only marine, and they look just like a manatee. They live for a very long time but they are in danger of extinction.
There are only five in captivity and other countries have laws that help them live without danger of being captured.
She says that through history there have been a lot of leaders that have changed the world. Valdis Zatlers is the president of Latvia, and he is making an effort to accomplish all the promises he made.
He wants to improve Latvia’s trading policies with surrounding countries, but before that they should work in their own industry so they will become more competitive.
Nowadays he is one of the most effective leaders because the country has developed in different topics and is already becoming an exporting nation.
According to what Olga says, Lucho Garzon is one of the most important leaders that Colombia has ever had.
He focused on the social development, by implementing programs with people of low income. The principal program was Bogota without indifference in which they created a lot of schools for poor people. The other program was Bogota without hunger, in which they created a lot of different restaurants to feed poor and hungry people.
Even though some people don’t like Lucho Garzon, he accomplished his goals and he did a lot for people that live in Bogota.
Values are qualities that represent human behaviors and are everywhere, and from them depends people happiness. There are several types of values, like religious, economics, intellectuals, sensitive and moral. But the most important is the moral.
People should be tolerant over other values, but never losing moral, because the lack of moral deteriorates quality of life.
People should grow their own values so they will be happy forever and will live in peace and harmony in society.
In that essay she wrote about the values of the criminals. First of all she gave a description of a criminal and she said the way they normally act. Then she described what is a value and she explained that moral values would take people to be succesful. And finally she explained why criminals act in that way, she said that´s because there was a lack of love while they were groing up.
The handling of values are the key to succes, that´s the main topic of that essay. Companies work in order to satisfy customers, and that will lead them to be number one in the market. Everything is based in strategies and good planing on the resources.
Cambodia is a country Located in Southwest of Asia. Their culture is the most important thing they have to show to the rest of the world. They respect each other and that´s why they are a peaceful country and she explained some customs they have in their country that shows why they live happy.
She started saying that now there is a lot of bad publicity to young people. She said that they should change this behavior because it influences young people in a bad way. She said that the country gets judged because of what they show on tv, but they don´t show the values and qualities, so people could get confused with the country and judge it in a bad way.

martes, 17 de junio de 2008

Indepent Work

Violence on T.V is among the most serious problems families and homes nowadays. Ours is no exception what can we do, then, to help make our T.V programs more pleasing to its audience?

First of all, it would be a good idea to encourage, people to see documental and cultural programs instead of violent films. The result would be people more intelligent and less violent.In addition, the situation would be improved if the national commission of T.V prohibits the transmission of violent. If this happened, the result would be to obtain more peace in the homes.

To sum up, there are many ways to make our T.V programs perfect programs to see. Adopting some of these measures would be definitely resulting in better conditions for everyone.

